Tomorrow is National D.E.A.R. (drop everything and read). Day! A day dedicated to spending time reading together as a class or a family. It's celebrated every year on April 12th, in honor of the birthday of Beverly Cleary, a beloved children's author.
As a student, I LOVED D.E.A.R. We used to do it everyday. Granted, I know I was a little unique in this love.
As a teacher, I saw the diverse feelings regarding D.E.A.R., or reading of any kind really. I had students who couldn't be pulled out of books by the fire alarm. And I had those who would rather sit and stare at a wall than read to themselves.
However, I made it my mission each year to get each student to enjoy reading. Was I successful? Absolutely not. But, anytime I was able to get one or two I was thrilled.
As a reader myself, I knew the joys that could come of getting lost in a new world with captivating characters. But, as an educator, I knew the benefits of reading on a student's everyday life.
Reading can help students:
Develop better language skills and vocabulary. Exposing students to new words and phrasing can expand their ability to understand and use language.
↪ Bottom line? It makes them better readers, writers, and speakers.
Improve social and emotional intelligence. Reading opens new worlds, cultures, and life experiences that students may not get otherwise.
↪ Students who read frequently are more empathetic and emotionally intelligent.
Create a bonding experience.
Reading with your child creates a shared

enjoyable experience that can provide an opportunity to connect without distractions. Even just a few minutes a day can make a world's of difference.
↪ Cozying up together as the book is being read provides even more benefit as the physical touch makes neurons more receptive to language development.
Plus, I have yet to meet a kiddo who didn't enjoy being read to!
↪ Some of the most reluctant independent readers were the ones begging me for "one more chapter" in our class read aloud.
So, take a few minutes and D.E.A.R. today!
Want more info on the benefits of reading? Check out this awesome article from the Child Mind Institute!
Need ideas on ways to celebrate D.E.A.R. day as a family? Take a look at Reading Rockets.